PC Repairs - Consumers
Computer repairs that satisfies
We do repairs on all computers, of all brands and with all kinds of problems.
Desktops, laptops, mobile devices, you name it, we repair it!
Whether your computer is awfully slow, virusinfected, doesn´t boot, dropped on the floor and broken physically or anything else. We have been in the computer repairs business since 1992, and we believe we have seen it all.
If your computer has been liquid damaged, we know how to fix this as well. Our technicians are very well experienced within most of computer related problems
To repair, or not to repair, that´s the question
Many people are concerned whether or not it´s worth reparing or not, since nowadays brand new computer aren´t as expesnive as they once used to be. At DataNova ServicePoint you never have to worry about you getting any costly surprises. All of our repairs are done with your fully consent and we never do any repairs without our customers being fully aware of the costs before we proceed with anything. You always get a complete and detailed estimate before we do any repairs. That is why you are always able to consult us about your repair cases with complete confidence. We believe that repairing your computer is not only friendly to your wallet, but repairing is also environmental friendly. So before you decide to trash your old computer, always check with DataNova ServicePoint first.
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Contact us straight away, either by calling us or by filling the form below. We promise to get back to you promptly!
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